Naruto Shippuuden Episode 258

The storyline in here isn’t exactly varied since it’s still dealing with the eraly days as Naruto is growing in his training, sparring against Sasuke regularly because of the friction between them and getting smacked around by Sakura when appropriate. While there’s rivalries and tensions, the larger shadow has yet to fall on the group as they’re focused mostly on what they’ve been trying to achieve. All of that changes with the way Sasuke is looking for something more in order to achieve his goals and we can see how some of those hooks being put into him were done, since there were those within the village that were operating on a different plan. The main thrust that we see here is the slow but steady change in how Sasuke perceives Naruto. While they’ve grown up “together” in way, Naruto has been easy to dismiss. Watching him in the midst of a fight here shows him how much Naruto has grown and that’s what slowly begins to change their relationship.

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